Week One
Day 1: Thursday, January 20
Unifying God, I pray for a listening and understanding heart during these trying days when our nation faces so much political, economic and social uncertainty.
Day 2: Friday, January 21
Today I pray for dialogue and collaboration among elected officials so that voting rights can be restored and people can exercise their right to be civically engaged.
Day 3: Saturday, January 22
Merciful God, I pray for our brothers and sisters who are experiencing homelessness. Guide us with compassion to the resources, support and opportunities that will help them get back on their feet and start anew.
Option to Take Action
Learn practical ways you can help people experiencing homelessness by visiting https://bit.ly/100dop170.
Week Two
Day 4: Sunday, January 23
Healing God, I pray for a rapid end to the COVID-19 pandemic. Restore us in countless yet personal ways that only You truly know. Grant us good health, full and just employment, and renewed relationships.
Day 5: Monday, January 24
Today I pray for health, safety, peace and prosperity in every nation. Stop aggressors who exert a power advantage over a more vulnerable group. With humility, I ask You tocreate successful diplomatic paths that prevent conflict.
Day 6: Tuesday, January 25
Loving God, I ask for Your help to overcome my human views of who is deserving of needed aid. Guide me from judgment to
compassionate wisdom. May this lead me to solutions to end homelessness.
Day 7: Wednesday, January 26
Today I pray that I may recognize and respect every person’s God-given dignity. Enable me to defeat my prejudices and unconscious biases, whether they are based on race, sex, appearance or even political affiliation.
Day 8: Thursday, January 27
God of creation, help me to move past convenience, denial and bad habits to real action that cares for our common home. Encourage us to be eco-stewards so that our descendants may flourish rather than face environmental threats.
Day 9: Friday, January 28
Today I pray for anyone approaching a border in search of a life that can provide a living wage and is free of persecution and violence. Open a safe path forward to benefit all in the new land, while renewing countries of origin.
Day 10: Saturday, January 29
Unifying God, lift us out of perceived divisions. May we rest securely in Your love. Though we may occasionally disagree, let us not suffer our pride. As one human family, help us place each other’s well-being ahead of fleeting conflict.
Option to Take Action:
Learn how to identify and assist victims of human trafficking. https://www.state.gov/identify-and-assist-a-trafficking-victim/
Week Three
Day 11: Sunday, January 30
Creator God, I pray for awareness to live sustainably and aim to reduce my personal impact on our environment. Enable me with an open mind to make changes that counteract climate change and protect our common home.
Day 12: Monday, January 31
Today I pray for all my brothers and sisters who seek refuge across the world. Stir my heart and the hearts of others to welcome those who are desperately looking for a place to call home for themselves and their families.
Day 13: Tuesday, February 1
God of Justice, guide me to deeper understanding of the need for economic justice for our marginalized communities who struggle more than ever due to inequalities caused by oppressing structures and systemic racism.
Day 14: Wednesday, February 2
Today I pray for dialogue among nation leaders that may lead to peace efforts and stability. Ease the fear, uncertainty and suffering of those anticipating conflict. Grant us wisdom to work for peace in our communities and world.
Day 15: Thursday, February 3
Understanding God, help me affirm the dignity of all people I encounter that I may recognize the human person beyond the political views. Allow me to be open to other perspectives and be accepting of all who I encounter this day.
Day 16: Friday, February 4
Today I pray for those who are ill. May they not be turned away and be provided with the healthcare they need. Guide caregivers with Your healing touch to restore their health with compassion and care.
Day 17: Saturday, February 5
Healing God, bring comfort, courage and hope to those who are exploited by traffickers. Transform the hearts of their captors that they show empathy and release their victims from the suffering of enslavement.
Option to Take Action:
Urge President Biden to keep up the pressure to protect voting rights. https://networklobby.org/democracywhemail/
Week Four
Day 18: Sunday, February 6
Today I pray for our brothers and sisters who are discriminated against and constantly struggle due to systemic racism. Guide us with Your grace to see every human being as a child of God, regardless of race, language, or culture.
Day 19: Monday, February 7
God of Peace, make me an instrument of your peace, where there is hatred let me sow love. Lead me to advocate for peace that strengthens relationships, reconciles communities and unites our nation.
Day 20: Tuesday, February 8
FEAST OF ST. JOSEPHINE BAKHITA - Today I pray for all my brothers and sisters who are victims of human trafficking. St. Bakhita, guide me to recognize signs of trafficking, alert authorities, and lead victims to freedom.
Day 21: Wednesday, February 9
God of Love, open my heart and mind to understand Your call to social justice. Guide me to recognize where You need me to serve the dear neighbor and how I can convey Your healing embrace to transforms hearts.
Day 22: Thursday, February 10
Compassionate God, help me respond to the call to respect the human dignity of all persons in our midst. May I find ways to protect all life, respect Your creation and promote the common good.
Day 23: Friday, February 11
Today I pray for our neighbors in need of safe and affordable housing, and the many families in danger of losing their homes. May we work together to build communities that support and create space for all people to live.
Day 24: Saturday, February 12
God, Communion of Love, lead me to contemplate and appreciate the beauty of Your creation, for all things speak of Your love for us. Awaken our hearts to appreciate all that profoundly connects us as one.
Option to Take Action:
Take action to address climate change that is threatening our livelihoods and the fragile, interconnected web of life. https://bit.ly/100dop171
Week Five
Day 25: Sunday, February 13
God of compassion, whenever we gather for holidays and events, prompt me to think about who is not at our table of celebration. Inspire me to reach out to the lonely or forgotten and include them.
Day 26: Monday, February 14
God of love, teach me how to embrace those at the perceived margins of our society. You are love. Let Your love flow through me. Enable me to connect with my sisters and brothers who feel cast aside or excluded in any way.
Day 27: Tuesday, February 15
Holy Spirit, thank you for accompanying me and inspiring me. Spark my imagination to envision what it is like to walk in the shoes of others, especially migrants and refugees. Let it lead to discovery, understanding and solidarity.
Day 28: Wednesday, February 16
Today I pray to see the over-story of caring for the Earth, our common home, as it provides for us across generations. Lead me to see Your grand design so that I may be a steward of the Earth in ways that benefit those to come.
Day 29: Thursday, February 17
God of healing, I ask You to remove any barriers that create suffering during the COVID-19 pandemic. Clear paths toward equitable resource sharing that leads to global immunity. Restore all care providers experiencing fatigue.
Day 30: Friday, February 18
Today I pray to learn beyond the understanding of my own personal experiences. Grant me empathy and unity with my sisters and brothers who have suffered racism and discrimination. Show me how to stand with them.
Day 31: Saturday, February 19
Today I pray for the wisdom to be a faithful citizen who supports both social justice and unity. Help me find the balance between trust in my sisters and brothers, and vigilance to fair treatment of one another
Option to Take Action:
Tell your members of Congress how their voting record scores on issues you care about: https://networklobby.org/2021votingrecordemail/
Week Six
Day 32: Sunday, February 20
God of all people, awaken my heart and mind to how I sometimes discriminate against my sisters and brothers. Guide me to correct my actions. Reveal how I may improve our institutions to treat everyone equitably.
Day 33: Monday, February 21
Today I pray for elected leadership that rises above partisan fighting, obstructionism, and legislative gridlock. Clear paths for government to effectively serve its people and protect the environment in which they live.
Day 34: Tuesday, February 22
God of compassion, soften the hearts of nimby neighbors to assist those experiencing homelessness. Cut red tape preventing people from finding a safe place to stay or park. Empower me to dismantle root causes of homelessness.
Day 35: Wednesday, February 23
Today I pray that leaders of nations recognize how their geopolitical maneuvers affect ordinary citizens. Provide abundant wisdom in diplomatic conversations to protect national sovereignty and preserve peace.
Day 36: Thursday, February 24
God of creation, strengthen my resolve to make daily decisions which prevent decades of destruction from the slow burn of climate change. Enable our new routines to collectively stop Eastern flooding and Western aridification.
Day 37: Friday, February 25
Today I pray that food and shelter are in ample supply and within reach of the income that I earn. I pray for a living wage for all. Lead me to advocate for systems that prevent economic disparities and keep basic needs affordable.
Day 38: Saturday, February 26
God of love, provide safety to all victims of violence. Heal those who have been harmed. Transform those who have hurt others so they never abuse again. Enable criminal justice systems to work toward restoration.
Option to Take Action:
Take action to end the death penalty and uphold the sacred dignity of every person. Click here for more: https://bit.ly/100dop172
Week Seven
Day 39: Sunday, February 27
God of all, open my eyes to the value of diversity. Deliver me from the bondage of racism that denies the humanity of people and deprives every one of the blessings You have gifted us.
Day 40: Monday, February 28
Today I pray for the people in Ukraine, and all those who are threatened by war. Inspire leaders and decision makers to dialogue and choose the way of peace over the way of violence.
Day 41: Tuesday, March 1
God of Compassion, inspire me and equip me to respond to Your call to live out my faith by defending the dignity of all human life and caring for the poor and vulnerable among us.
Day 42: Wednesday, March 2
Today I pray for those in elected office, that they may have the conviction and courage to promote social policies and economic structures which address poverty and promote a just distribution of our world’s resources.
Day 43: Thursday, March 3
Merciful God, help me listen to the struggles of those who work hard to provide for their families but still have trouble making ends meet. Guide me to advocate for fair labor practices, just wages and safe working conditions.
Day 44: Friday, March 4
Today I pray for migrants and refugees. Heal them from trauma, deprivation, loss and abuse. Comfort them and give them peace and hope. Embrace Your beloved children in the greatness of Your steadfast love.
Day 45: Saturday, March 5
Loving Creator, grant me the will and wisdom to care for the earth and lead me to act now to protect our future generations. I pray for Your guidance to maintain a reverent attitude towards Your creation.
Option to Take Action:
Urge President Biden to continue prioritizing the climate crisis. Click here to act: https://bit.ly/100dop173
Week Eight
Day 46: Sunday, March 6
Gracious God, I pray for all people, that their lives and dignity may be protected. Guide me to advocate and stand against the death penalty and work to create laws that respect the dignity of every person.
Day 47: Monday, March 7
Today I pray for my brothers and sisters in Ukraine, whose lives have been overturned by senseless war. May they be embraced by Your loving care and protection. May world leaders find a peaceful resolution immediately.
Day 48: Tuesday, March 8
INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY - God of love, I pray in gratitude for all women. Bless them as they work tirelessly to bring peace into their homes. Give them resilience to be instruments of Your compassionate justice.
Day 49: Wednesday, March 9
Today I pray for my brothers and sisters suffering from the uncertainty of mental illness. May they be afforded the resources needed to address their needs, and understanding and compassionate care from those who love them.
Day 50: Thursday, March 10
Merciful God, watch over my dear neighbor in need of safe and affordable housing and for families in danger of losing their homes. Guide me to work toward building communities that create space for all.
Day 51: Friday, March 11
Today I pray for divine protection for all who are exploited, enslaved, forced into labor, trafficked into sexual slavery and denied their freedom. May they be liberated and restored by Your love.
Day 52: Saturday, March 12
God of Creation, guide me to be more like St. Francis of Assisi, protector of Your creation and lover of animals. Lead me to protect Your creatures on the verge of extinction and live in a way that nourishes all life.
Option to Take Action:
Support Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Historic Nomination to the Supreme Court. Click here to act: https://networklobby.org/022522jacksonscotus/
Week Nine
Day 53: Sunday, March 13
God of Peace, protect those suffering in Ukraine and in other conflicts. Change the hearts of those choosing violence and power over the well being of their sisters and brothers. We humbly ask You to provide a way out of war.
Day 54: Monday, March 14
I pray with gratitude for Catholic Sisters who continue to model how to stand up to injustice and walk alongside those who are marginalized or treated unfairly by systems that exploit or weaken them.
Day 55: Tuesday, March 15
Today I pray for ways to help our common home. Grant me wisdom to apply knowledge to care for the earth and all who share it; steadfast resolve to change habits over a long period of time; and inspire others to do the same.
Day 56: Wednesday, March 16
I pray for a calming of the chaos that feels ever-present in our wounded world today. Dismantle war, violence, racism, disunity and more that cause division, ignorance, poverty and suffering. Inspire me to restore relationships.
Day 57: Thursday, March 17
God of Justice, illuminate my awareness of those being treated unfairly. Alert me to ways to advocate for people in need, and to follow though with government officials who can make lasting impacts for the better.
Day 58: Friday, March 18
Today I pray for all those who must flee to a new land for safety. Protect their travels and let them find places of welcome. Wipe away any fears that people may hold against them. Restore their families and homelands.
Day 59: Saturday, March 19
ST. JOSEPH’S DAY - Compassionate God, fill the hearts and minds of fathers and families everywhere, that they may know they are loved first by You. May this love flow outwardly to unite and care for all people.
Option to Take Action:
Take action to make the workplace safer and more supportive for pregnant workers. Click here to act: https://bit.ly/100dop17
Week Ten
Day 60: Sunday, March 20
Today I pray for peace in Ukraine and other places of war and conflict. Influence attackers to lay down arms and turn back. Alter the actions of those complicit and enabling violence
Day 61: Monday, March 21
God of Love, watch over refugees traveling toward safety. In the chaos of fleeing, keep families united and shield those at risk of being trafficked. Gift the world with hearts of hospitality to welcome those in need.
Day 62: Tuesday, March 22
WORLD WATER DAY - God of Creation, remind me to care for our common resources, especially our water. Lead me to defend clean sources of water for all. Protect water so that it’s abundant, accessible, affordable and unpolluted.
Day 63: Wednesday, March 23
Today I pray that unity and the common good rise above special interests and divisive behavior for political gain. Grant me wisdom to influence a change of heart in those convinced only their way is right despite causing others to suffer.
Day 64: Thursday, March 24
God of Provision, assist all those in need in a time of economic turmoil. As wages grow, let no one be left behind. As prices rise, preserve access to what people need even if they temporarily cannot afford it.
Day 65: Friday, March 25
Today I pray to actively reject any ideas, policies or practices that treat my sisters and brothers as “less than” in some way. Help me to clearly identify and dismantle racism, sexism, and other practices that rob anyone of their dignity.
Day 66: Saturday, March 26
God of Life, stop our society from enacting the death penalty as punishment for crimes. Set the innocent free. Heal the guilty who have hurt others. Comfort victims and let Your justice be done.
Option to Take Action:
Urge the Biden Administration to stop new drilling in the Arctic. Click here to act: https://bit.ly/100dop175
Week Eleven
Day 67: Sunday, March 27
God of peace, I pray for the people of Ukraine and Russia impacted by this horrific war. Guide global leaders to find opportunities for dialogue that can lead to peace and reconciliation.
Day 68: Monday, March 28
Today I pray for those who have lost loved ones, homes, and livelihoods due to violence. I lift to You those who are escaping persecution, conflict, torture, or ruthless exploitation.
Day 69: Tuesday, March 29
God of compassion, energize my heart with Your zeal so that I stand up for the least among us. May I find ways to work for justice for my brothers and sisters throughout the world.
Day 70: Wednesday, March 30
Today I pray for all who have lost their jobs and long to return to work. Provide for all those head of households who struggle to support their families.
Day 71: Thursday, March 31
God of Creation, I pray for the protection of our beloved earth. May your healing love replenish rivers and restore oceans. Guide me to make deliberate actions that safeguard our precious resource of water.
Day 72: Friday: April 1
Today I pray for leaders in every community to recognize the plight of the poor and marginalized. Guide them to respond with solutions that are just, inclusive, and permanent.
Day 73: Saturday, April 2
Loving God, I pray for an end to nuclear weapons. Energize us all throughout the world to join those who tirelessly work to make this a peaceful world.
Option to Take Action:
Urge your Representative to prevent slave labor in the seafood industry and combat illegal and unreported fishing. Click here to act: https://bit.ly/100dop176
Week Twelve
Day 74: Sunday, April 3
God of peace, heal the bodies and spirits of our Ukrainian brothers and sisters who have been victims of war, aggression, and violence. May Your peace reign in their hearts and minds.
Day 75: Monday, April 4
Today I pray for an end to human trafficking for labor and sex, and an end to slavery and all forms of imprisonment. Grant me the courage and wisdom to assist victims who have suffered from these atrocious crimes.
Day 76: Tuesday, April 5
Inclusive God, bless migrants and refugees with hospitable and safe neighborhoods. Guide me to be compassionate and welcoming to each person in need that I encounter.
Day 77: Wednesday, April 6
Today I pray for my brothers and sisters who suffer injustices and who are discriminated against due to race, social class, religion, ethnicity, culture, and gender. Lead me to be a beacon of justice that respects their dignity.
Day 78: Thursday, April 7
God of creation, inspire me to protect all plants and animals and to recognize my responsibility as caretaker. Remind me to be grateful for access to pure water, clean air, and soil that give us life.
Day 79: Friday, April 8
Today I pray for men and women who work for peace. Bless and multiply their efforts. May You bring healing and hope through their actions as they work to restore tranquility and security in the world.
Day 80: Saturday, April 9
God of justice, give policymakers in every nation the wisdom and bravery to implement laws and practices that promote equality for all. Soften their hearts to advocate for vulnerable people in their communities.
Option to Take Action:
Urge Congress to stand with vulnerable Ukrainians and uphold protections for displaced and at-risk populations. Click here to act: https://bit.ly/100dop177
Week Thirteen
Day 81: Sunday, April 10
PALM SUNDAY - Today I pray that all migrants, refugees and travelers reach their destinations safely. Encourage me, and my neighbors, to be a hospitable presence and welcome others like they are Your Son.
Day 82: Monday, April 11
God of wisdom, help me to see beyond my experiences and biases so that I do not pass judgment that labels others as undeserving or unworthy. Remind me how loved I am and to offer that same acceptance to anyone.
Day 83: Tuesday, April 12
Today I pray for awareness to recognize dangers, disasters and injustices before they hurt people. Help me to share what I observe articulately and compassionately to prevent suffering.
Day 84: Wednesday, April 13
Today I pray for the teachers of the world as they encourage their students to be their best selves. May their influence echo through generations and inspire creativity, critical thinking, and most of all, love and compassion for each other.
Day 85: Thursday, April 14
HOLY THURSDAY - God of love, help me to make room for anyone at Your table every day. Together, provide us with moments of peace and clarity that we remember to serve one another.
Day 86: Friday, April 15
GOOD FRIDAY -Today I pray for all who sacrifice themselves for the benefit of others. May they inspire my actions of advocacy and social justice to be rooted in authentic love, always drawing people closer to You and one another.
Day 87: Saturday, April 16
HOLY SATURDAY - God of hope, carry me through my dark despair when I cannot see solutions or simply miss the ones I love. Fill my heart with joy and light as an encouragement to all that good news is just ahead.
Option to Take Action:
Take action by urging your Senators to confirm the Honorable Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court. Call 888-897-9753.
Week Fourteen
Day 88: Sunday, April 17
EASTER SUNDAY - Today I pray to remember that faith, hope and love surpass all of my understanding. May Your love inspire and restore me to keep serving as a voice for the voiceless and serving my dear neighbor.
Day 89: Monday, April 18
Today I pray for an immediate end of war in Ukraine. Create a path to end the violence and destruction. Enable Russians to repent and reconcile with brothers and sisters in Ukraine. Comfort those plunged into great loss. Restore Ukraine.
Day 90: Tuesday, April 19
God of the poor, dissolve false impressions that people are somehow undeserving of basic necessities. Lead me to advocate
for those who lack what they need, and to break down systems that treat people unfairly.
Day 91: Wednesday, April 20
Today I pray for inequities in our justice system that are more harsh to some groups than others as a result of biases. May all people be treated the same way based on facts and adherence to just laws.
Day 92: Thursday, April 21
God of abundance, restore global supply chains to help strengthen economies and raise prosperity for all. Protect those with lower incomes from monetary inflation. Ensure that all workers are treated humanely and earn a living wage.
Day 93: Friday, April 22
EARTH DAY - God of creation, transform the hearts of those unable to see or accept today’s climate crisis. Make me a catalyst for immediate change to protect the natural resources You’ve given us, for today and the future.
Day 94: Saturday, April 23
God of migrants, protect people today as you guarded the Holy Family and others in history when they journeyed to new lands. Soften the hearts of those who welcome them. Transform the hearts of those who cause them to flee.
Option to Take Action:
Take action by by urging legislators to put partisanship aside and work together towards a clean energy economy and low-carbon future. https://bit.ly/100dop178
Week Fifteen
Day 95: Sunday, April 24
God of compassion, I pray that You open my heart and mind to see the affliction of those impacted by poverty. Make me and instrument so that I may reach out generously with permanent solutions.
Day 96: Monday, April 25
Today I pray for my brothers and sisters who sit on death row. Guide me to find ways to advocate for just systems that end the death penalty and encourage restorative justice.
Day 97: Tuesday, April 26
God of gentleness, bring peace upon our world, bring an end to the wars and conflicts that divide us. Give us courage and conviction to build a peaceful world where all feel safe and protected.
Day 98: Wednesday, April 27
Today I pray for my brothers and sisters who experience homelessness. Guide authorities to provide housing and other needed assistance. I pray You fill their hearts with courage and hope and protect them from harm.
Day 99: Thursday, April 28
God of Creation, make me mindful of the impact my carbon footprint has on the earth. May I grow in my commitment to protect Your creation You have gifted to us.
Day 100: Friday, April 29
Today I pray for an end to racism. Enable me to see the impact racial discrimination has in our nation. Help me find ways to uproot exclusion from our world, our society and ourselves.
Option to Take Action:
Urge your Senators to pass the $55 billion in climate and clean energy investments that is in front of them now. https://bit.ly/100dop179