Begin with the prayer below, then go to the prayer for the day.
God of wisdom and mercy, grant us patience to listen; compassion to be open to other views and opinions; generosity to forgive and grace to change. As you taught us to love our dear neighbor, we pray that you give us strength to be healing instruments of unity and reconciliation.
Day 85: Sunday, November 24
God of All, we fervently pray for persons killed and harmed in senseless wars. May aid workers reach people suffering from violence, hunger, displacement, and lack of medical assistance.
Day 86: Monday, November 25
We pray for the international community. May all leaders work diligently for the health and well-being of their people and turn away from political ideology that creates violence and unrest.
Day 87: Tuesday, November 26
Unifying Presence, we pray for all people who are distraught over the recent elections. May we re-commit to actions that will bring equality, health and hope to all people, especially to our marginalized communities.
Day 88: Wednesday, November 27
God of Wisdom, we pray that all of the incoming U.S. President appointees are persons of integrity and honesty, and that they enact policies which strengthen the common good and allow all people to live in the fullness of life.
Day 89: Thursday, November 28
THANKSGIVING (U.S.) Gracious God, on this day of Thanksgiving we give thanks to all those working for peace in our world. May they be embraced by Your hope and encouraged by their faith in Your love.
Day 90: Friday, November 29
Today I pray that people around the world are delivered from violence, hostility, and anguish. May they find peace, protection and hope wherever they may be.
Day 91: Saturday, November 30
God of Compassion, I pray for the communities who continue to suffer from the aftermath of environmental disasters. May governmental agencies come together to provide aid to reconstruct their homes and restore their lives.
Option to Take Action:
Click here to tell Congress to pass strong disaster relief funding.