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100 Days of Prayer (s19): Days 78-84

Begin with the prayer below, then go to the prayer for the day.

God of wisdom and mercy, grant us patience to listen; compassion to be open to other views and opinions; generosity to forgive and grace to change. As you taught us to love our dear neighbor, we pray that you give us strength to be healing instruments of unity and reconciliation.

Day 78: Sunday, April 7

In the spirit of the Risen Christ, lead us to act for the fullness of life, for ourselves, our communities, and all global citizens.

Day 79: Monday, April 8

Creator of Love, we pray for aid workers who have been killed while bringing much-needed supplies and food to victims of war. May all aid workers around the world be protected.

Day 80: Tuesday, April 9

Mighty Counselor, we pray for the people of Sudan who face hunger, displacement, injury and death at the hands of misguided leaders. May the hearts of these leaders be transformed so that violence will end.

Day 81: Wednesday, April 10

God of understanding, allow all U.S. leaders to recognize the reasons that people migrate, instead of blaming victims of violence, poverty and climate disruption for seeking secure lives.

Day 82: Thursday, April 11

Holy One, all Creation is precious in your sight. May efforts be re-doubled to save species that are on the brink of extinction so that all your creatures may flourish, according to Your purpose.

Day 83: Friday, April 12

We are “Easter people living in a Good Friday” world. May we not give up in the face of darkness, but see God’s universal light, which shines forth in every man, woman, child, and living thing.

Day 84: Saturday, April 13

We lift up all dear neighbors who are elderly. May they all be treated as wisdom figures and beloveds, celebrated for the gifts they give and have given throughout their lives.

Option to Take Action

Glyphosate is a widely-used herbicide, and associated with a higher risk of non- Hodgkin lymphoma and other ailments. Several countries have banned its use. Sign a petition to keep it out of U.S. grown food.Visit:


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