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100 Days of Prayer (s19): Days 64-70

Begin with the prayer below, then go to the prayer for the day.

God of wisdom and mercy, grant us patience to listen; compassion to be open to other views and opinions; generosity to forgive and grace to change. As you taught us to love our dear neighbor, we pray that you give us strength to be healing instruments of unity and reconciliation.

Day 64: Sunday, March 24

PALM SUNDAY - Lord of love, guide me to be in right relationship with You and with those in my community. Let this extend to compassionate care of those migrating to flee poverty and persecution.

Day 65: Monday, March 25

God of creation, help me find sustainable ways to live my life that takes long- term effects on the environment into consideration. May choices to break free from eco-destructive practices be successful for the sake of our descendants.

Day 66: Tuesday, March 26

Today I pray to see past political mudslinging and demonizing large groups of people. Enable me to view all people as my dear neighbor.

Day 67: Wednesday, March 27

God of peace, transform the hearts of those pushing aggression in parts of the world like Ukraine and Gaza. Help them to see an end of war and the start of reconciliation and rebuilding as their best actions to take.

Day 68: Thursday, March 28

HOLY THURSDAY - Today I pray that I may rely on my closest friends, and if they fail me, that I may continue to love them anyway.

Day 69: Friday, March 29

GOOD FRIDAY - Open my eyes to see past my personal standing or status, and to make difficult choices for the sake of love, even if it is painful.

Day 70: Saturday, March 30

HOLY SATURDAY - Though I may grieve from loss - whether it is a loved one, a friendship, a purpose in life, or an injustice that hinders right relationships with You - may faith, hope and love lift me up and guide me forward.

Option to Take Action

Urge Congress to work for peace in the Middle East. Visit:


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