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100 Days of Prayer (s16): Days 80-86

Begin with the prayer below, then go to the prayer for the day.

God of wisdom and mercy, grant us patience to listen; compassion to be open to other views and opinions; generosity to forgive and grace to change. As you taught us to love our dear neighbor, we pray that you give us strength to be healing instruments of unity and reconciliation.

Day 80: Sunday, April 9

EASTER SUNDAY - God of hope, may the rising of your Son fill our spirits like wind in an enormous sail, carrying us forward against all injustices and overcoming them with love.

Day 81: Monday, April 10

Today I pray to listen intently on the road I travel and to understand how our life bends toward fairness and love. May my learnings be shared with others, drawing each other together and toward You.

Day 82: Tuesday, April 11

God of love, lead me to care for others as You care for all of us. Today, reveal how I can help my brothers and sisters by advocating for an affordable economy, where everyone has access to shelter, food, health care and life’s needs.

Day 83: Wednesday, April 12

I thank You for the blessing of drought-ending rain and deep reservoirs. I pray that we may steward our water resources and care for our neighbors at risk of “big melt” flooding. Show me how to assist them before a natural disaster.

Day 84: Thursday, April 13

God of peace, I pray for a world at war. Open the eyes of the soldiers who bring violence to grow the power of another. May their weapons be laid down. Let mourners be comforted, and let reconciliation and rebuilding begin now.

Day 85: Friday, April 14

Today I pray for a criminal justice system that equitably treats my brothers and sisters of all racial, economic, political and religious distinctions. Correct our corrections industry so that it fosters dignity, justice, and rehabilitation.

Day 86: Saturday, April 15

God of wisdom, help all of us to solve humanitarian disasters at our borders through active policy making that safely, fairly and compassionately welcomes migrants, rather than attempting to deter them from a better life.

Option to Take Action

Urge Congress to support the WATER act.


Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange
440 S. Batavia Street, Orange CA, 92868

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